Monday, July 13, 2009


Hey guys.
Just a small post to say that you should join my mum's new bolg, Annie's Story : Fame.Fortune.Faith.
It's a blog she created to advertise her new novel about a superstar who joins the church. It's based on many real-life events, and is an awesome story with lots of romance. My sister and I have been helping her edit the novel and it's so good!
Anyway, here's the link to her blog:
Please check it out and join!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Youth Conference

Yesteday and today I attended my first ever Stake Youth Conference and i LOVED it! I felt the spirit so strongly throughout, especially during the testimony meeting at the end. Our theme was, "Stand Up and Be Strong Together". We heard an awesome talk by Bro. Knowlton last night about standing up against satan. He's an excellent speaker and i learned a lot.
One of the coolest parts of this youth conference was when we were up in Sundance when it started to rain and hale and we heard thunder and saw lightning.When the storm hit the second time, it caused us to pack up and hike back down the mountain. Our shoes were soaked, people were slipping on the mud, it was a little cold and we wore garbage bags as rain coats. The view was beautiful though: the fresh, green flora and fauna looked greener and fresher than the lush greenery you see on travel shows, it was awesome to hear the powerful pounding of the waterfall on the river below. But the best thing was the helping hands that some of the young women and young men literally gave so freely to those of us who needed help crossing the rushing rivers and creeks safely. It was so beautiful! Not to sound cliche at all- but seriously: when i came to the edge of the river to see all of these young men (about 6 or 7) standing at either side of the crossing with hands and arms ready to help me accross, i had an amazing feeling come over me the kindness they showed and service they gave made me feel so peaceful and loved inside. I later discovered that i was not the only one who connected this experience with that of the 3 pioneer boys who helped the people accross the frozen river. Sure. We were not at all like the pioneers, and i probably could have made it accross on my own, but there was something so beautiful about the lights each of these boys emulated and the charity they showed.
As for the rest of the conference- i had a blast! We did a service project at the park, rode the ski lifts and played capture the flag at night. It was also so cool to have my little sis, Bella, there with me.
Anyway, just thought i'd share that with you guys! I don't think i'll ever forget this cool experience!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Freedom in summer colors!

Wooohooo! Summer is finally here! I'm free.
Oh- and i got a major surprise last night... It turns out that my Step-grandfather didn't end up coming with my grandmama (sad) but my aunt and her little daughter, Bethany came instead! They'll be here with us for three weeks, we're gonna have fun i think :)
Also. Its crazy that i'm a senior now- almost kinda scary too! Wow. Hopefully school will be fun next year.
And... I am so so so happy that Chemistry is done now! It was an entire year of brain fry, and i am so proud of myself for pushing through it! No more difficult equations! No more intididating teacher! Yeah!
Funny thing is- now when people or even i wonder about why things happen or work the way they do, i want to see an equation to represent it in my mind, to make sense of it. Crazy huh?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

And So...

Here's an update of my life...
The weekend was super awesome...
Friday: I went to ElCheapo with Denver. We had fun finger painting, whooping at air hockey, playing Foosball, dancing, laughing our heads off and eating ice cream covered in chocolate sauce and sprinkles.
On Saturday: I had a blast dancing country swing with Eric. I had so much fun I think it was one of the best dates ever! Aaah! It was so nice to dance with a guy who knows what he's doing!
Sunday: was my 17th Birthday! The best day of the year of course ;). I got a pink iPod Nano and a copy of the Screwtape Letters along with some awesome cards... *Sigh! Growing up is just something else!
Monday: was an interesting day. I woke up early to go running with my amazingly fit mum. Did that for 45min, listening to my new iPod all the while (FYI: if you hate running like I do, listening to music is a fantastic way to keep you going!). I played a round of Frisbee during lunch, danced during 3rd period learning the dance we will perform for the end-of-year concert. I biked into the canyon for the first time. I went on a short hike, rescuing my sister who was about to slip down the mountain.
Tuesday: My legs and backside are KILLING me! It hurts to merely straighten my legs all the way and to sit in certain positions, but I guess these muscles will get used to my new exercise routines! Oh, and Happy St Patrick's Day! (I did wear green, and i even did an Irish Jig for my friends in the middle of the school hall which was, well, embarrassing and fun at the same time!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Spring! Spring! Spring!

HEY, guess what... its March. The best month of the entire year!!! Or at least one of them. I'm turning 17 on the 15th of the month, should be good huh?
Well, i don't really know what to write here, but i would like to put that i am soooo looking forward to the spring time! "Spring! Spring! Spring!" Is the song playing in my head right now, the one from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Oh. I also had a splendid day today. It was so lovely rolling around in the cool grass under the warm, yellow sun, looking up into the blue sky, watching the clouds being blown about by the gentle wind and sharing it with a few happy-faced friends. Aahhh, it was quite the life! And as for another thing that added to my happiness- Jeremy and Eric taught me the coolest country swing dance move in the history of country swing dance moves! It feels so fun to be swung and thrown about from side to side, momentarily in the air, but knowing you're safely held by a strong guy, kicking up your leg... The thing that would have made it perfect would have been to have some loud country music playing and to be wearing a cow girl hat. Yes. That would be awesome!
I feel like writing some poetry:

I shade my eyes from yonder rays
Of the friendly sun which warms my face,

The azure sky above me rings
A familiar song of happy things:

The clouds within a picturesque sky
Above make endless shapes that I

Think that when I look, I see
Dragons, planes and fish from the sea.

The grassy blanket that cradles me
Fills my warm'ed heart with glee

Its cool, cool tips gently brush my back
Massage my head, cause me to relax

And slip into a happy rest
Joyed to know I'm richly blessed.

For God, my Father who lives above

With beautiful things shows me His love.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Thoughts from a tired brain

Happy February!
I am now officially living in my new old house and am on the Internet for the first time in a whole week,(which feels like such a long time ago :) It's amazing how dependent one can become on technology).
Sigh. I have never before lived in such a tiny house. I am now typing on a computer that is only inches away from the computer my brother is playing on. We are sharing the same desk, and i am in the kitchen and hallway simultaneously. I'm also glancing into my bedroom, which for now, i share with my 3 other sisters. From where i sit, i can see piles of suit cases, boxes, a flour bucket, a doll's cradle, a backpack, handbag, a mirror, a coat , a shoe, two box lids and a truck load of other random items! Haha, you can laugh or you can cry- right? I think I'll choose to laugh today! :D My goodness, i look forward to cleaning up the mess.
I'm also looking forward to the Sweetheart's Dance, should be fun. Oh- and i kinda want to meet my date beforehand, might be a good idea- don't you think? ;)
Ok, i'm off to bed now. well, eventually.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Je m'apelle Madeleine et j'aime parler le Francais, mais, je sais parler un tout petit peur.
J'ai une famille: ma maman, mon papa, mes plus jeunes soeurs : Isabella, Juliette et Lorelei, et mon jeune frère Samuel. Je vis dans une maison. J'ai deux chats appelés caramel au beurre (Butterscotch) et ange (Angel) et un chien appelé Shelby. Je vais au lycée (school?) et à ma classe préférée est la conception intérieure (Interior Design). J'aime chanter et danser. J'aime jouer avec mes amis et aller des dates. J'aime aller à la plage, à la course sur des aller-chariots, à l'étiquette de lazer de jeu, et au patin de glace.
que faites-vous aimez-vous faire ?